Athlete's Foot

So You Think You Might Have Athlete's Foot?

Athlete's Foot is a fungal infection affecting the skin on your feet. So called because athletes often get it but so can anyone.

Far Infrared Socks help prevent Athlete's Foot Fungus

It can find it's way to other parts of the body including the underarms and even the groin area. If you personally have this condition, check out our therapy shirts and underwear to help protect against bacterial growth.

Athlete's foot fungus normally occurs on the feet, in and around the toe area. If you have these symptoms then our FIR socks can certainly help because of the antibacterial properties of far infrared energy.

Yes, far infrared rays emitted from Prolotex™ Bio Ceramic Socks help retard and prevent the development of bacterial growth and fungal parasites.

The parasitic fungus (Trichophyton) is contagious and easily transmitted so you need to be careful when going barefoot in public places.


Yes, Athlete's Foot is contagious

Athlete's Foot can easily be transmitted from person to person

It can easily be transmitted from person to person, so keep your feet clean and avoid sharing shoes, towels or playing footsie with someone who could possible have it.

Use Infrared Socks for Athlete's Foot

This fungus thrives in warm moist high traffic areas like showers, community bath stalls and locker rooms. It can be found on damp towels, wet floors in change rooms and even someone's sweaty dirty socks, shirts or shoes.

So when your in public areas do yourself a favor. Take some precautions and get yourself a pair of shower sandals or flip-flops to prevent coming in contact with this highly contagious parasitic fungus.

It can easily be transmitted from person to person, so keep your feet clean and avoid sharing shoes, towels or playing footsie with someone who could possible have it.

Once the fungus makes contact with the surface of the skin, it will quickly thrive in the living tissues and then "Bingo" the infection takes off.

How do I know if I have Athlete's Foot?

Symptoms of athlete's foot include swelling and an intense burning, itchy feeling. It can also become extremely painful. To the point of a fierce stinging type sensation.

You will start seeing areas of redness, and the skin between your toes crack, become scaly and start to peel. Then blisters form between your toes and the soles of your feet become flaky and shed dry dead skin.

And these are just the mild symptoms of athlete's foot. It gets a lot worse with the advanced symptoms.

What Athlete's Foot Looks Like

What Athlete's Foot Looks Like

Blisters on the feet become open and oozing. Toenails discolored, thicken and become crumbly. They can even pull away from the nail bed.

Don't let it get to this point. It is preventable!

Use Infrared Socks for Athlete's Foot

Athlete's Foot - Advanced Symptoms Are Even Worse

This is where symptoms really get queasy, if not down right ugly.

In the advanced stages of this nasty fungal infection your feet start to stink, BIG TIME!  Which is a strong indicator the bacterial infection is advanced.

Blisters on the feet become open and oozing. Toenails discolored, thicken and become crumbly. They can even pull away from the nail bed. Don't let it get to this point. It is preventable!

There's over the counter (OTC) antibacterial creams and powders available. And our far infrared therapy socks can prevent and retard bacterial fungal growth on your feet.

If your shoes are not well ventilated then try a pair of our socks. They are designed to whisk away moisture and keep your feet dry as well as inhibited bacterial growth.

 Customer Comments 

What I like about Infrared Socks

they are better than anything on the market today, what a great product they are, I would recommend to anyone who is having problems with there feet to give them a try as you will never were any other socks again, kind regards

tom dunne IRELAND



Easy way to treat Athlete's Foot

Far Infrared Therapy Socks Protect Against Athlete's Foot

Far infrared rays emitted from the bio-ceramics in Infrared Therapy Socks help to reduce bacteria, odors and fungal infections.

Use Infrared Socks for Athlete's Foot

Far Infrared Therapy Socks Protect Against Athlete's Foot

So many people - especially golfers, have commented their feet don't get as sweaty, while wearing Prolotex socks compared to cotton or other man-made fiber socks.

"One of the easiest Athlete's Foot treatments you will ever find and all you have to do is wear them!"

In most cases, practicing good hygiene and keeping your feet clean and dry, will help prevent this disease.

Far infrared rays emitted from the bio-ceramics in Infrared Therapy Socks help to reduce bacteria, odors and fungal infections.