Raynaud's Feet
How can you prevent Raynaud's Disease?

There are basic precautions you can take to help protect against the condition.
1) First and foremost - avoid environments that expose you to rapid changes in temperatures.
2) If you smoke, try to stop or limit the habit. Smoking inhibits circulation to the extremities.
3) Exercising regularly will improve your circulatory system and reduces stress.
4) Reducing stress can also have a very positive affect in defending you against the symptoms.
5) Raynaud's is caused by the (sudden) constriction of blood vessels - resulting in poor circulation to your feet.
6) Next - try a pair of FIR Socks. They help to open (dilate) blood vessels, increase circulation and generate more heat.
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Can Raynaud's Disease be cured?
Expert physicians say there is no cure for Raynaud's disease - only ways to manage the symptoms.
But if you improve your health by staying hydrated, exercising regularly and not smoking, you can help to alleviate the condition and prevent against further attacks.
How do you test for Raynaud's disease?
Many doctors agree there is no known (blood) test to diagnose Raynaud's.
Yet some believe in the Cold Stimulation Test, designed to trigger symptoms of Raynaud’s.
The test is simple.
• Your feet are submerged in ice water to trigger the Raynaud's symptoms.
• A measuring device records the length of time it takes for your toes to return to normal temperature.
• The test may be too simple - for everyone with the condition will react differently.
What Can I do for My Raynaud's Disease?
You can ask your doctor to prescribe medications like calcium channel blockers or validators.
Another option available - is to wear far infrared socks.
FIR naturally works to relax and expand blood vessels resulting in improved circulation and reducing the cold white toe effects of Raynaud's.
Treating Raynaud's in your Feet:
Getting to the underlying cause has been difficult, as medical professionals and researches struggle to define what triggers a Raynaud's attack.
Basically, the idea is to help reduce and prevent the painful sessions.
Now with the aid of Far Infrared Energy emitted from Bio Ceramic Socks you can help to reduce your suffering. In a medical study of ceramic impregnated gloves, there was significant improvements documented, showing increased temperature levels, strength and dexterity. It follows then, that the same technology in our Far Infrared Socks would show similar results.
We recommend Far infrared Therapy Socks to promote circulation and rejuvenate dormant cells and tissues in your toes and feet.
Specialty socks are fused with a safe formula of bio-ceramics that emit beneficial far infrared rays (FIR).
These waves of soothing energy penetrate deep into the tissues of your toes and basically increase (stimulate) the molecular activity of the cells.
The stimulation of the tiny capillaries and veins in your body dilate the cells and allow fresh oxygenated blood containing vital nutrients to reach afflicted areas.
Circulation is increased helping to Warm your Cold Feet
Why Do FIR products help Raynaud's?
The threads in our far infrared products are fused with a safe formula of bio-ceramics that emit beneficial far infrared rays (FIR). These waves of soothing energy penetrate deep into the tissues of your body and basically increase (stimulate) the molecular activity of the cells.
Customer Comments Having recently purchased, on separate occasions, two pairs of gloves and two pairs of socks my Mother now wishes us to purchase a second pair of socks for her. Suffering from severe Reynauds Disease she has found your product most helpful. |
The stimulation of the tiny capillaries and veins in your body dilate the cells and allow fresh oxygenated blood containing vital nutrients to reach afflicted areas.
Swelling is reduced, accumulated toxins are released, and the healing process is promoted.
Far Infrared Rays are very helpful in reducing inflammation and relieving your pain.
Depending on the severity of your condition and how long you have been experiencing symptoms, it may take a bit longer to feel the benefits of natural FIR therapy.
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Can Raynaud's go away?
Raynaud's is most often triggered by cold temperatures. Exposing your hands or feet to something cold. Like reaching into the refrigerator and touching a cold beverage.
The body reacts - blood vessels constrict and lack of circulation can turn your feet blue and your toes white.
Stressful anxiety can bring about the immediate change.
Through certain practices you can reduce the (sudden) symptoms of Raynauds.
Specialty socks are fused with a safe formula of bio-ceramics that emit beneficial far infrared rays (FIR).
These waves of soothing energy penetrate deep into the tissues of your toes and basically increase (stimulate) the molecular activity of the cells.
The stimulation of the tiny capillaries and veins in your body dilate the cells and allow fresh oxygenated blood containing vital nutrients to reach afflicted areas.
Circulation is increased helping to Warm your Cold Feet