Foot Fractures
How Long Does it Take for Foot Fracture to Heal?

Often it takes 6 -12 weeks for a foot fracture to heal.
You can speed the healing process and reduce the pain if you are wearing far infrared [FIR] socks.
Infrared specialty socks are fused with a safe formula of bio-ceramics that emit beneficial far infrared rays (FIR).
These waves of soothing energy penetrate deep into the tissues of your toes and basically increase (stimulate) the molecular activity of the cells.
The stimulation of the tiny capillaries and veins in your body dilate the cells and allow fresh oxygenated blood containing vital nutrients to reach afflicted areas.
Circulation is increased helping damaged cell & tissue to heal.
FIR socks increase circulation, relieve pain and speed the healing process.
Some fractures are small hairline breaks in the bone caused by repetitive stress.
Other fractures are more traumatic and usually caused by an accident, like dropping something very heavy on your foot.
Excluding the toes, there are 12 bones in the foot that are susceptible to fractures. |
Most hairline stress fractures in the foot will be painful - anywhere from a dull ache to a noticeable knife-like jabbing of repetitive pain.
In less severe cases - stress fractures may go undiagnosed and only be considered as common foot pain.
When one or more of the bones in your foot are broken from a severe impact accident, you will not be able to put weight on the foot until the fracture heals.
An X-Ray may be needed to determine a foot bone fracture.
How To Treat a Fractured Foot:
Take the weight off the foot. Use ice in the initial stages to reduce inflammation. A bag of frozen peas works great. As it will conform to the shape of your foot, unlike hard ice cubes.
We always advise a checkup with your doctor for his/her professional advice.
Depending on the type of fracture, they may cast or tape your foot to help immobilize the bones. Your physician may also prescribe pain killers to reduce pain and help you sleep.
Healing broken bones takes time. Wear FIR Socks and take rest whenever you can. |
If you are in a cast, you may have to get around on crutches for several weeks. Look at the situation in a positive way. Moving on crutches tends to strengthen your upper torso.
To speed healing of a fractured foot, we recommend Far Infrared Therapy Socks.
Socks are fused with a safe formula of bio-ceramics.
FIR energy penetrates deep into the tissues stimulating the molecular activity of the cells.
Fresh oxygenated blood containing vital nutrients to reachs afflicted areas.
Circulation heals damaged cell & tissue.
If you've recently had your cast removed - infrared socks help to promote circulation to your feet.
Infrared energy mends the brake faster by providing vital nutrients through the bloodstream to reach the damaged cells.
FIR Socks help to:
- reduce foot pain
- increase joint flexibility
- reduce tissue inflammation
- increase circulation
- promote faster bone healing
- reduce swelling
- reduce the long term bone complications
Customer Comments Subject: tom dunne IRELAND |
Will FIR Socks help heal fractured bone in foot?
Yes! FIR socks will help heal broken bones faster!
The threads in Infrared Socks are blended with a safe formula of bio-ceramics that emit beneficial far infrared rays (FIR).
These waves of soothing energy penetrate deep into the tissues of your body and basically increase (stimulate) the molecular activity of the cells.
Increased circulation helps to speed up the healing - naturally! |
The stimulation of the tiny capillaries and veins in your feet dilate the cells and allow fresh oxygenated blood containing vital nutrients to reach afflicted areas.
Swelling is reduced, accumulated toxins are released, bacterial infections are retarded, and bones will mend faster.
Far Infrared Rays are
very helpful in reducing
inflammation and
relieving Your pain.
Depending on the severity of the fractured bone, and how long you have been experiencing symptoms, it may take a bit longer to feel the benefits of natural FIR therapy.